Did you know:
100 calorie packs actually are a worse snack because they include saturated fats, sugar, and artificial preservatives
White bread is crap (but we all know that)
Diet soda isn't really better for you
Regular peanut butter is better than reduced fat peanut butter
I could go on and on about how some "health food" really isn't healthy. When a product says 'sugar free' or 'reduced fat' see why and what they are replacing it with. For example sugar free will probably be replaced with some crap sweetener and reduced fat products usually include more sodium.
Since I graduated college I started paying more attention to what I ate and what is in it. I'm not getting any younger and this body sure isn't getting any thinner and healthier by eating Bojangles and Cook Out (hey it was college don't judge!)
Since I moved to Florida I have been way more health conscious. I have done a lot of research and well the truth is scary. I decided to give up fast food, because do you know what kinds of things are in that food? Yuck! Now I can't image eating at McDonald's because I just think about what I could be eating. Yes I do like to dine out, it's one of my favorite things to do but that is when I'm not counting calories and at a respected restaurant.
However, I went to a nice restaurant Saturday night (no it wasn't Mexican) and woke up Sunday morning feeling awful and yes it's Tuesday and my stomach is still a mess...so I think I'll be cooking this weekend and the weekend after...and after.
Here are a couple ways I changed my diet:
I now buy organic dairy and produce.
Rarely eat red meat
Eat fish 3-4 times a week
Eat a meat-free meal 4 times a week
Rarely eat fast food
Eat out once a week
Not only look at the calories but saturated fats, sugar, and carbs
Always bring my lunch to work
And I never skip a meal! (unless I'm sick)
Now if I eat something out of the norm, I get sick. So my change in diet is keeping me balanced and healthy and not wanting to eat junk!
Thinking twice about what you put in your mouth now? I would...
You is smart! Read Michael Pollan's books! Start with Food Rules. It is super short and a basic overview. If you want more each of his books explain everything about food: the lies, politics, environment and how we can still remain in control!