April 27, 2012

Girl Crush

I'll admit I watched every episode of Laguna Beach and the Hills. My friend Caitlin and I would watch Laguna Beach together in High School and have this discussion about it in class the next day. Yes I'm serious!  I have always had this girl crush on Lauren Conrad, but it has grown over the last few years. Of course she is gorgeous, but I am more crushing on her clothes, hair and makeup. She always seems to look so perfect!

While I am still a young women in my twenties, still figuring out my style, I do look up to her as one of my style icons. Her style is elegant and girly, which is me just not with her closet! I wish I could look that polished every time someone snapped a picture of me, but lets get real if you don't warn me you are taking a picture it could look something like this...

Rather than...

My sister got me Lauren Conrad's book 'Style' for my birthday and I love it. She tells you what every woman should have in her closet, tips on finding the perfect pair of jeans, and how to get her perfect beach waves. (long hair I miss you ). Her book is simple and realistic. Also, she tells you to shop at Forever 21 for T-shirts instead of paying $$$ for one. Again, realistic! 

She makes me jealous...

Who is your style icon/ girl crush?

1 comment:

  1. Love her! I'm sure you already know about it, but just in case, have you seen thebeautydepartment.com ? So many great ideas and how-to's! Miss and love you... you're my ultimate girl crush hahaha
