Girls...we have come very far since the 60s...
I love Mad Men and Don Draper isn't too bad either ;)
Not only do I love the story line of the show Mad Men, but I love the creative and advertising side as well, mainly because it's a little like my job. Dealing with clients and figuring out ways to advertise their products and services better than their competitors...yeah basically like my job except my boss isn't Don Draper and we don't chain smoke. Oh and we use technology...
I think being a women is hard now, pshh a lot of men would be slapped if I lived in the 60s. Until I started watching the show Mad Men, I didn't realize how bad women were treated in a professional environment, when the world was "a modern world."
I am currently reading the book Mad Women, it is written by Jane Maas who actually worked on Madison Avenue in the 60s. It is basically like the show Mad Men, but a women's version. This book is a great read and historic as well. It will give you a great idea on how women were treated during that time.
I can't imagine a world where women aren't aloud to own a company, become doctors, and sexual harassment didn't exist. Or where men expect their wives to clean up everything after them. Seriously? Don't worry I'm not going to go all women's rights on you but unfortunately, some men are still sexist and on average, women make less money. But hey that's the way it is, but at least men and women are treated waaay more equal than they use to be.
I absolutely hate when guys joke and say "just go make me a sandwich"...say that to me and you are dead. My boyfriend knows way better than to say that to me, one because he knows I can make something better than a sandwich, two he knows he can make his own sandwich, and three is a smart one.